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fixed1t software

If you have questions about any of the software please post them on the appropriate item on my blog at:

Trail versions of the software can be obtained by following the links to the individual software pages and the instructions given on those pages

fixed1t Garageband 10 Song - Audio Error Detector

This Garageband 10 fixed1t program enables users experiencing the 8-bit and other Audio and Sample errors to Analyse the broken Garageband 10 Song and to copy or move the damaged items from the Song for repair.

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Exchange Mac Garageband 11 songs with iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch Running Garageband 1

Sad NEWS!! Mac Garageband 10 and iOS Garageband 2 prevent Mac to iDevices song sharing and conversion

Good News !!

This fixed1t converter enables you to convert Mac Garageband 11 archived Mac songs and exchange them between Gargaeband 1 for the iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch running the Garageband APP with the minimum of hassle and fuss.

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Extract Mac Garageband Song Samples to use on iPad and iPad mini

This fixed1t program enables you to extract the Samples from Mac Garageband File to a folder on the desktop for fast, accurate transfer to the ipad via itunes.

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Garageband Archived Samples to MC-808 Sample Convertor

This fixed1t program enables you to convert loops and samples from an archived Garageband song and convert them into compatible wav files with sample numbers which enable the fast and efficient loading onto the Roland MC-808 groovebox sampler.

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Convert Mac Samples and Garageband Loops to WAV Sample Files

This fixed1t program enables you to convert Mac caf and aif files in a folder to WAV and creates a new WAV folder on the desktop for fast, accurate access.

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Analyse Mac Audio, Sample and CAF loop files

This fixed1t program reads the data in a audio, sample or loop file and displays a dialogue of the file type, size, bit rate, sample rate in Hz along with whether it is mono, stereo, single or dual channel. This is really useful if your looking to move the samples to a hardware sampler.

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Display Mac Samples folder file data in a scrollable list

This fixed1t program displays a list of data of files in a user selected folder, these can be audio, sample or loop files. It displays a pulled down list dialogue of the file type, bit rate, sample rate in Hz along with channel data 1 or 2 and the encoding. This is particularly useful when moving samples to and from a Mac or a hardware sampler where Little Endian or Big Endian encoding can mean the difference between the sample working or not

This has saved me a huge amount of time trying to work out why only some of the samples from a musician friend in a song will play.

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Garageband Song File - 8 Bit Sample Bug Fix

This fixed1t program replaces faulty m4a samples and effects in the damaged Garageband song file, thereby fixing the Garageband 8 Bit error.

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Delete the Iritating Mac Google Chrome Cache

This program enables you to close and delete the Google Chrome Cache Securely or Normally at the press of a button. This was written to git rid of those web development problems of uploading files only for them not to appear on the website. Although the files are on the website Google Chrome is ignoring them as it is set up to favour its own cache.

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